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Monday, December 7, 2009


UVERworld will celebrate the fifth anniversary of their major debut in 2010. They invite fans to a selection of their greatest hits beforehand. Neo SOUND BEST lines up the different stages of UVERworld's career, starting from their indie period song D-tecnoRize (the original version of their first major single D-tecnoLife) to their most recent hit Kanashimi wa Kitto. Neo SOUND BEST also includes another surprise in the form of a re-recorded and remixed version of UVERworld's second major single Chance!. [YesAsia]

01. D-tecnoRize
02. CHANCE! (Re-Sing Ver.)
03. 儚くも永久のカナシ
04. Roots
05. 激動
06. 99/100 騙しの哲
07. ゼロの答
08. シャカビーチ~Laka Laka La~
11. 優しさの雫
12. モノクローム~気付けなかったdevotion~
13. 君の好きなうた
14. 恋いしくて
15. 哀しみはきっと
16. D-tecnoLife

Part 1 / Part 2

find their discography here smile.gif